Hope for the Heart - Free Training

You can listen to June Hunt's
Hope for the Heart Radio Show for free at Oneplace.com

She usually covers a new topic every week.

(I love listening to this Godly woman teach about Biblical Counseling. I decided I was going to become a Christian Counselor because of her radio shows.)

Some her topics are:
  • anger
  • alcohol and drug abuse
  • codependency
  • communication
  • conflict resolution
  • confrontation
  • critical spirit
  • cults
  • decision making
  • depression
  • forgiveness
  • God's will
  • grief
  • hope
  • manipulation
  • reconciliation
  • rejection
  • self-worth
  • success through failure
  • verbal and emotional abuse
  • victimization
Learn more about the Hope for the Heart Ministry and the products available.

New Life Live - Free Training

New Life Live, hosted by Stephen Arterburn, is a Christian counseling radio show you can hear online.

This interactive talk radio program deals with mental health, emotional, relational and spiritual issues from a biblical perspective. It serves program listeners by providing an interactive resource for them to use by calling in to the live program with questions, listening to the broadcasts, seeking resources or getting referrals from their 24 hour hotline.

At the New Life Ministries site you can access over 659 free counseling articles.

Recommend to Hurting Women

These are some of the best books that I recommend to women.

321443: Healing is a Choice Book and WorkbookHealing is a Choice Book and Workbook
by Stephen Arterburn

This book and workbook helps free people who struggle from self-inflicted bondage so they can experience the healing that is available from God. It is God's choice to heal, when to heal, and how healing will occur. Sadly we often make choices that prevent God's healing or interfere with His timing. Millions suffer from emotional, spiritual, and even physical wounds that God may choose to heal. Experience emotional, spiritual, and sometimes physical healing. Transform brokenness into new life mission. Identify the 10 big lies that prevent experiencing emotional, spiritual, and even physical healing.

452675: Lose it for Life Book and WorkbookLose it for Life Book and Workbook
by Stephen Arterburn and Dr. Linda Mintle

This book and workbook uses a holistic approach to health that doesn't stop at "physical" fitness. Physical, emotional and especially spiritual elements that lead to permanent weight loss are dealt with in this workbook. Through a variety of exercises and activities you will learn: why you do what you do, how you can shed bad habits for good, and how, with the help of God and others, you can develop a whole new approach to life, to eating, and to living healthy and free.

68691: Your Money Map: A Proven 7-Step Guide to True Financial FreedomYour Money Map: A Proven 7-Step Guide to True Financial Freedom
by Howard Dayton

Just as road maps guide you to unfamiliar destinations, this "atlas" of biblical principles will lead you out of debt and into financial freedom. Dayton's simple yet comprehensive guide provides you with the realistic steps and necessary tools to reach seven goals-from saving $1,000 to creating a spending plan and making wise investments.

921480: How to Forgive . . . When You Don"t Feel Like ItHow to Forgive . . . When You Don't Feel Like It
by June Hunt

Forgiveness is very hard for most of us, especially if the wrong done against you was very painful or the person who hurt you is not repentant. How can you forgive when you don't feel like it? Sometimes it seems easier to cling to resentment rather than letting go. In "How to Forgive...When You Don't Feel Like It" Biblical counselor June Hunt uses compassion and truth to help readers learn from Jesus' own example of how to forgive.

66461: Avoiding Mr. Wrong: And What To Do If You Didn"tAvoiding Mr. Wrong: And What To Do If You Didn't
by Stephen Arterburn

Complete with a diagnostic quiz and quick reference lists,
Avoiding Mr. Wrong is ideal for women whose hopes have been dashed again and again by a seemingly promising relationship. The book helps them to see more clearly, think more rationally, and act more wisely in the pursuit of Mr. Right.

262776: Finding Mr. RightFinding Mr. Right
by Stephen Arterburn

The author recognizes that wanting to get married is a legitimate desire. You can take steps toward a strong, satisfying marriage relationship, including: becoming the confident woman who can attract the right kind of man for you, make lifestyle choices that increase your odds of meeting someone, and avoid the behaviors that sabotage a good relationship.

Social Services Referrals

Make a List of the Social Services available in your area. (Include physical addresses, phone numbers, and Internet addresses.)

Many of the hurting women you talk to will also need their physical needs met.
  • Pregnancy Care Centers
  • Christian Counselors
  • Support Groups
  • Food Assistance
  • WIC
  • Free Clothing Services
  • Homeless Shelters
  • Shelters for Abused Women and Children
  • Government Health Insurance
  • Heating Assistance
  • Women in Transition Agency
  • Substance Abuse Services
  • Parenting and Work Skills
  • Agency on Aging

Biblical Counseling DVD Curriculum

Extraordinary Women

Extraordinary Women is a distance learning 5 part, 30 lesson training program designed to educate and equip a community of helpers within the church to offer careful, Biblical encouragement, direction, hope, and personal growth to women in a complex world.

The following topics are covered by well know Ch
ristian counselors, authors, and speakers:
  • Woman & Her God: Prayer, Devotion, & the Spiritual Life
  • A Woman & Her Body: Fitness, Diet, Beauty, & Healthy Living
  • A Woman’s Soul: Self-Concept, Identity, & Fulfillment
  • A Woman’s Ministry: Sharing the Faith & Growing the Church
  • A Woman’s Finances: Finding and Keeping Financial Freedom
  • A Woman’s Personality: Understanding Yourself & Others
  • Being a Godly Woman: Just Between Us Girls
  • “I’m in love!”: Dating and Preparing for Marriage
  • Fifty is Gold! Life Through and Beyond Menopause
  • Seasons of a Woman’s Life
  • A Woman’s Guide to Handling Conflict
  • Living Beyond Your Circumstances
  • Women and Depression
  • Managing Stress and Overcoming Anxiety
  • I’ve Got to Get Control! Body Image & Eating Disorders
  • On the Threshold of Hope: Healing from Sexual Abuse
  • No More! Standing Against and Healing Spousal Abuse
  • Unity in the Church: With One Heart
  • Make Yours a Great Marriage!
  • Female Sexuality and Satisfaction
  • Spiritual Intimacy: Embracing the Heart of God in Marriage
  • Beyond Betrayal
  • Talk, Touch, and Tenderness in Marriage
  • A Marriage without Regret
  • “Always Daddy’s Girl”: The influence of Your Family of Origin
  • Mothering Strategies to Help Kids Through Changing Times
  • Encouragement and Strategies for Single Moms
  • Passing On Your Faith without Turning Off Your Kids
  • Beyond the Empty Nest
  • A Woman’s World: What’s for Sale in the Marketplace of Ideas

Caring for People God's Way

Caring for People God’s Way is a distance learning 5 part-30 lesson training program designed to educate and equip a community of helpers within the church to offer careful, Biblical encouragement, direction, hope and personal growth to hurting people in a hurting world.

The following topics are covered by well know Christian counselors, authors, and speakers:
  • Becoming a Christian Counselor
  • Using Your Spiritual Gifts in Counseling
  • Helping others find Significance in Life
  • The Power of Truth
  • Overcoming Depression
  • Surviving Sexual Abuse: On the Threshold of Hope
  • The Effective People Helper
  • Bringing People into God’s Presence
  • How to Help People Change
  • Heart Matters: Repentance and Godly Sorrow
  • Forgiveness: Letting Go of the Past and Pain
  • Freedom in Christ: Life in Abba’s Arms
  • Marriage: Keeping the Love Alive
  • Guilt: Love’s Unseen Enemy
  • Great Sex: A Biblical Perspective
  • Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling
  • Divorce Recovery: Starting Over Again
  • Caught in the Middle: Children of Divorce
  • What Would Jesus Think and Do? Understanding the Way of Christ
  • Ethical and Legal Issues In Lay Ministry
  • Family Systems: Breaking Unhealthy Patterns
  • Sexual Issues: Affairs, Homosexuality, Intimacy Roadblocks, Dysfunctions
  • Pain & Suffering: Helping People in a Hurting World
  • Breaking the Bonds of Sexual Addiction
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety
  • Grief and Loss
  • Psychiatric Care and Medication
  • The Helper’s Chair: Special Skills and Practice
  • Financial Bondage: Strategies for Freedom

Liberty University Online Programs

Liberty University is a Christian university in Lynchburg, Virginia.

They offer a -
Bachelor of Science in Psychology program that can be done completely online.

Liberty offers these online Master's Programs:
They offer a Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling (PhD) blended program, too.

Kitchen Table Counseling

This is the book I am currently reading.

It's exactly what I've been looking for. However, I'm not too impressed with the title, because a kitchen table is not required. You can use the information anywhere - church, coffee shop, through the Internet.

837955: Kitchen Table Counseling: A Practical and Biblical Guide for Women Helping OthersKitchen Table Counseling: A Practical and Biblical Guide for Women Helping Others
  • address your own needs so you can be effective in helping others
  • will tell you what questions to ask
  • will tell you what Scriptures to use
  • take people to Jesus without taking on responsibility for their burdens
  • discern whether others really want to change and grow, or just complain
  • balance a counseling ministry with your other life priorities

  • This book by Muriel L. Cook & Shelly Cook Volkhardt covers the following topics:
    • anger
    • controlling husbands
    • depression and burnout
    • difficult family members
    • fear
    • grief
    • married and tempted
    • married to an unbeliever
    • overbearing parents
    • pornography
    • sexual abuse and rape
    • singleness
    • spiritual strongholds
    • suicide
    • worth

    Evangelism Ideas for Summer

    You’ll enjoy your summer more if you’re serving Jesus. Here are some ideas for evangelism, witnessing, and community outreach that you can be a part of this summer.

    Camp Counselor
    Spend your summer hanging out with kids and being a Christian role model for them.

    10 Commandment Necklaces
    Pass out 10 Commandment Necklaces at a festival, fair, beach, park, outdoor music concert - anywhere there is a group of people. The coins used in these necklaces list the 10 Commandments, a short gospel message, and the NeedGod.com website.

    Rest Area Outreach
    Your church group can pass out snacks and cold drinks at the rest areas. Leave Million Dollar Tracts and 10 Commandment Coins in the bathrooms and parking lots. Bless a large family by giving them some money to help with their trip or eating out at the Travel Plazas on the East Coast.

    Tollbooth Tipper
    When you’re traveling along the turnpikes this summer, tip the tollbooth workers - a real bill and a Million Dollar Tract. Each million dollar has a short gospel message on the back.

    Help at VBS
    Volunteer to help with VBS and round up those neighborhood kids. You can take VBS flyers door to door, post notices at the public pool, and pass out flyers to parents in the park. Encourage the church kids to invite their non-Christian friends.

    Summer Day Care
    Many parents have trouble finding good quality, affordable day care for their kids during the summer. Your church can provide a day care for grade school aged kids. What a wonderful opportunity to teach kids spiritual truths, provide a positive influence on them, mentor, encourage, and motivate the children to follow Jesus.

    Church Picnic
    At your next church picnic- offer free pop and hotdogs to others in the park, invite them to come over for your skits or relay game time.

    Give out Sunscreen
    Take along sunscreen when you go to an outdoor event or to the beach. Offering some sunscreen is a great way to show you care and start a conversation. You can also walk around the beach and give away bottles of it. Check the dollar store to see if you can get each bottle for a dollar, otherwise this can be an expensive type of outreach.

    Outdoor Christian Rock Concert

    Join together with other churches to raise money to hire a professional Christian rock group. Make sure every kid in town is invited for free, use buses and vans to transport them, plan follow up events, and plan for your youth group to grow.

    Summer Activities in the Community
    Make a flyer and a website promoting all of the local Christian Summer Activities: VBS, summer Camps, day camps, free Christian concerts, picnics, etc. Call every church in your area to find out the details for their events. On the flyer, advertise: all of the free activities to keep your family busy this summer, your website that gives even more details, directions, and links to the church websites. Pass out the flyers door-to-door. Check with the local schools. They may pass out the flyers to each kid, especially if they are some educational activities on the list.

    Promote TheFreeBeeSite.com
    Make and wear a T shirt or hat that promotes TheFreeBeeSite.com. This site tells people how to order a free Bible, a free book from Billy Graham, get free prayer counseling over the phone, or other items that explain Salvation.

    Outdoor Dinner Drama
    Put on free play, invite the community to bring a picnic dinner and lawn chairs. Pass out information about how wonderful your church is.

    Host a College Student During Summer Vacation
    Make arrangements through a college or your church to have a student stay with you during Summer Vacation. Dorms close during the summer, and the students who stay in town have a hard time trying to find a place to stay. Some students don’t want to go home, or they stay for a job or internship.

    Invite a Kid to Camp
    Find a Christian camp for your child and have him invite a non-Christian friend to go, too. Pay for the friend.

    Invite Friend to go on a Work Mission Trip

    Plan to go on a construction working mission trip. Invite a non-Christian friend to go with you and work. Help get your friends part funded, too.
    Summer Read-a-thon for Children’s Church
    Kids can do a read-a-thon to raise money for their favorite evangelistic ministry. They can get sponsors to pledge money for every book or page that they read.

    Grow Vegetables
    Grow extra vegetables in your garden and give them to a local Christian soup kitchen.

    Get a group of volunteers together to glean the fields and donate the fruits or vegetables to a food bank.

    House Maintenance Team
    Form a group of volunteers to help repair houses of elderly people or low-income people.

    Fishing Trip or Camp Out for Men

    The men at church can invite their friends, neighbors, and co-workers to go on a men’s fishing trip or camp out. You can provide good food, a fishing clinic, speaker that gives his testimony, and the pastor can invite all the men to visit other church activities and classes that the men would enjoy.

    Brown Bag Lunch Concert
    If your church is located in the city or near a place where people work - put on a contemporary Christian concert during lunchtime. Hang a huge sign on the church so that people see it on their way to work. Invite people to bring their lunch and listen to the music every Friday through out the summer.

    Garage Sale
    Have a garage sale in the church gym or basement. Ask for donated items and raise money for a specific evangelistic church ministry. On a table: Offer free Christian Books and free Bibles and information about your church.

    Children’s Event at the Park
    Rent the covered area during a warm, busy day. Put up signs inviting all. Bring kids from the church, too. Ideas - Christian music performers, magicians, Christian crafts table, puppet show, snacks and invitations to Children’s Church.

    Fourth of July Celebration
    Throw a Fourth of July Celebration at your church. Invite the public by word of mouth, a large sign in front of your church, and door-to-door invitations. Your church can - have relay games, pie eating contests, set up play equipment and contests for the kids, honor veterans, provide free food, have a patriotic concert, give each kid a little bag filled with Christian party favors www.orientaltrading.com and pocket New Testaments, have face painting and free concession stands, provide information about the ministries and classes at your church. You can get even more information about this type of evangelistic event at the Christianity Today site.

    Summer Parade
    Does your town have a Founder’s Day parade or 4th of July parade? Your church can participate and build a float. Pass out flyers that tell about your church’s summer events.

    Science or Art Club
    Church volunteers can start a club that meets at the church during summer. Advertise to the neighborhood and invite the kids to come.

    Free Lunches
    Some states offer a free lunch program for kids, during the summer. They suppln organization or church with government money to make sack lunches and give them away for free. If a program like this doesn’t exist in your state, your church could still do it - just get donated lunch food and recruit some volunteers.

    Free Carwashes
    Have a free carwash in your church parking lot. Advertise to everyone and refuse donations. Give away flyers that tell about the exciting things to do at your church and invite everyone to come.

    Witness on Vacation
    Turn your vacation into a mission trip. The Witness on Vacation site lists over 50 ways to witness while you are traveling.

    Outdoor Church Service
    On a nice Sunday morning or Saturday evening, have a worship service outside on the church lawn or at a nearby park. Hang a banner to invite people to come. Or, deliver flyers door-to-door through out the neighborhood.

    Renew Your Vows Ceremony
    Have a huge “renew your vows” wedding ceremony at your church. Invite couples in the community to come renew their wedding vows and enjoy the reception that follows.

    Minister to an Elderly Person
    Offer to mow an older person’s lawn or help out around their house. You can also volunteer to drive the person to church.

    How To Homeschool Seminar
    Hold a free How to Homeschool Seminar at your church. Have homeschool families available to chat with and a table filled with curriculum to look through.

    Friday Night Hang Out
    Open up the church and invite the local teenagers. Plan summer activities, outdoor games like volleyball, movies, snacks, and pool tournaments.

    Back to School Welcome to College Students
    If you’re part of a campus ministry like - Campus Crusade for Christ or Intervarsity, welcome the students to school. You can help new students move in to the dorms, set up information tables about your group, host a Back to School Barbeque, offer cold water or frozen icy pops to hot students, and invite students to your first big meeting.

    Support Summer Outreaches with Your Money
    There are a lot of Christian organizations trying to raise money for their outreach projects. Your financial contribution can help them reach more people this summer. You can support: Orphans Going to a Christian Summer Camp, the church mission trip, or a special church outreach event.

    Summer Day Camp
    Put on a summer day camp at your church. It can be similar to VBS, but include activities that kids would do at camp.

    Free Bottled Water
    Your church group can give away cold bottled water at events or at the beach. You can also give away a tract with the water.

    Polaroid Photos
    Take Polaroid photos at summer events. Give them away for free along with a business card that tells your church name, address, website address, and service times.

    Wear a Costume and Pass Out Tracts
    Dress up in an animal costume and pass out comic tracts to kids in public places and at public events.

    Tailgate Party
    Invite the community to a tailgate party in your church parking lot. Tell them to bring their own lawn chairs, food, and pop. The church provides the concert and fireworks.

    Face Painting in the Park
    Set up a table near the kids and start painting faces. You can also offer free kids tracts and invitations to church or VBS

    Free Doggie Wash

    Hold a free doggie wash at your church. Give out free Doggie Treats and information about how wonderful your church is.

    Sports Clinic
    Invite neighbor kids to a sports clinic in the local park. Church highschoolers can coach, provide refreshments, and invite the kids to church.

    Bike and Skateboard Tricks Event
    Invite and take non-Christian kids to a Luis Palau event or hold your own. Hire a group that performs at county fairs an other events to come set up outside your church. Invite the community, and advertise what your church has to offer

    International Students Ministry
    Your church can minister to the high school and college exchange students. Every Saturday, take them on a bus to see a site or a tourist place. Have get-togethers for the students and invite them to dinner at your house.

    Father’s Day Car Show
    Invite the community to a free car show in your church parking lot. Give out free hotdogs and pop and have a lot of friendly church members available to great the guests.

    Story Time at the Church

    Once a week, hold a story time for younger kids. Plan a craft that does along with the story and have a snack, too.

    Wedding Coordinator Ministry
    You can offer a free wedding coordinator service through your church for couples trying to keep expenses at a minimum. You can help by letting them use your items so that they won’t have to rent them: candelabras, punch bowl, wedding music CDs, silk flower arrangements and bouquets, table cloths, plates, and silverware. Learn money saving ideas in Cheap Ways to Tie the Knot

    Church Service at the Fair
    Make arrangements with your county fair so that your church can have a morning service there on Sunday.

    Fun Fridays
    Every Friday, provide a weekly opportunity for kids to go on a summer field trip through your church. Encourage the church kids to invite their non-Christian friends.

    Baby Sitting Course
    Your church can offer free babysitting training to teens in the community. This is a good opportunity to tell about your church youth group, also.

    Sports Activities at Your Church
    Invite the community and friends of church members to come - play softball or basketball, and play at open gym night.

    Your Christian Band
    Form a Christian band and play at: fairs, free concerts in the park, churches, parties, etc.

    Kids 5-Day Club
    This summer do a 5-Day Club through Child Evangelism Fellowship. Take the club to the where the children are - park, apartment complex, or trailer park.

    (Fish Image by ChristArt.com)

    June Hunt's New Book - Counseling Through Your Bible

    Counseling Through Your Bible will be released 3/15/08

    921817: Counseling Through Your Bible: A Handbook of Biblical Hope and Practical Help for Everyday ProblemsCounseling Through Your Bible: A Handbook of Biblical Hope and Practical Help for Everyday Problems
    by June Hunt

    She offers straightforward, biblical advice covering 40 topics - difficult relationships, depression, temptation, compulsive behaviors, low self-esteem, resentment, anger, guilt, loneliness, grief, and more.