I am thankful for Jen at One Mom's World for starting Operation Spring Weight Off for Moms. This is probably the motivation that I need. If you want to, you can still join in.
I am thankful for the nice phone conversation that I had with my sister. I'm thankful that she is doing well, since she is 4 months pregnant. She has had complications with her other pregnancies, so I'm thankful that God is watching over her and her baby. If you have a sister - why not give her a call.
I am thankful for all you wonderful blogging women that leave such nice, encouraging comments. You women are really neat and I love reading your posts and following along as you grow closer to Jesus.
I am thankful for my daughter Boo Boo who turned 8 this week.
I am thankful for my daughter Nettie who turned 11 this week.