Growing Through the Holy Spirit

"No matter how many good friends I had, there were aspects of my life I needed to deal with alone - heart issues and attitudes that could not be wrestled with in a Bible study...They had to be confronted by the Holy Spirit in the privacy of my own soul."
~ "A Glimpse of Grace" by Mary Forsythe (with Beth Clark)~

This quote represents what I am going through right now. My husband has been working out of town a lot this winter. His current trip was only suppose to be 3 weeks long, but it has turned into 6 weeks so far. Some days, I get to feeling sorry for myself. My husband isn't here to help with things and I don't have transportation for going to church. I let feelings of loneliness set it. But, then I usually remember that this is just the way things are right now and I need to make the best of it. I need to be a good example for my children, too.

Now, that I look back on all of this time spent without my husband or church friends, I realize how much closer I have been growing to Jesus. When I feel concerned or anxious about something, I now find myself praying about it. When my husband was here all the time, it was easy for me to unload on him instead of turning to Jesus. With more alone time, I've been able to - listen to sermons online, worship in private, pray, read the Bible, and read Christian blogs. Through loneliness, The Lord has brought me closer to Him. I've learned about forgiveness, trusting Him, being content, surrendering to Him, appreciating what I have, loving my family better, serving Him from my home, and following His will for my life on a daily basis. During this time, the Holy Spirit has taught me things that He wanted me to learn.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Tuesdays in Other Words Meme