You and the kids can help people by growing vegetables. It isn't too late to get your seeds in the ground. Radishes, bush beans, bush peas, and lettuce are easy to grow. Plus these vegetables grow quickly.
You can share your homegrown vegetables with your local Christian soup kitchen, neighbors, church workers, and food pantries (check first to see if they will accept fresh foods).
If you're unable to grow vegetables, then you can also participate by collecting canned food to donate. It doesn't take a big plan. Get the kids together and take along a box or pull a wagon. Just spend an hour going door to door and you'll be amazed at how much food you will be able to collect.
At harvest time, the family can go U picking and give away the fresh produce. Wouldn't it be special for people to eat fresh strawberry shortcake or freshly sliced peaches at a soup kitchen?