Do you ever have one of those days, or months, where you just feel like giving up?
I have those - when my mind and spirit feels weak and I just don't feel like fighting. When I feel like I've gone through something for years and I've had enough of it. But I know that it is important to hang on. The Bible tells us to persevere. It's important to keep trusting God, even when we feel like things won't really work out. He can strengthen us and keep us going.
When I feel really down, I like to listen to songs that get my mind more focused on the Lord and what the truth is. These following video songs are great to listen to when you feel beaten down and weak. God can give us the strength we need to press on. Please don't give up.
Press On by Selah
Faith in You by Jami Smith
Everlasting God by Chris Tomlin
You Never Let Go by Matt Redman
Cry Out to Jesus by Third Day
Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns
You're Not Alone by Meredith Andrews