Thankful Thursday: Modern-Day Christian Heroes
Thankful Thursday Meme
For this Thankful Thursday, I want to express my appreciation to some modern-day Christian heroes - those Christians who are so serious about living out their faith that they are willing to sacrifice their comforts or safety to serve the Lord.
I appreciate what you Christian heroes are doing to help people. You aren't doing it for fame or for an earthly rewards. You are doing it to serve Jesus, and with a sincere compassion for others.
I am thankful for:
Native Christian missionaries witnessing in their own countries - living on low incomes, using bicycles and their own feet for transportation, risking ridicule and physical abuse in countries where Christianity is not the norm. Gospel for Asia
Christians who go to places like Sudan - to bring comfort and relief aid to persecuted Christians, and to help them rebuild after their villages were attacked by Muslim soldiers. They go despite The Department of State warning them that it is too dangerous to travel in Sudan.
Voice of the Martyrs
Christian students working as modern-day abolitionists to end slavery - raising awareness, motivating students to do their part, and participating in activism. Yes. Slavery still exists. There are 27 million slaves worldwide - more people are in slavery now than during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Zach Hunter author of Be the Change
Christians who dedicate themselves to helping orphans by preparing them for adulthood - providing academic opportunities, life training skills, mentoring, career placement, and health programs. When orphans turn 16 many of them are kicked out of orphanages and state institutions. They are expected to fend for themselves. An estimated 60% of orphan girls turn to prostitution and 70% of orphan boys to crime. Orphan's Promise
This was such a beautiful tribute, bless you sweetie.
hi, a simple Pink Heart Tag for u. Have a nice day
they are indeed our modern day heroes!
What a fantastic TT! We so often forget our 'modern day' heroes. Thank you for highlighting these ones! (and for visiting my space!)
Thank-you for sharing this. I needed it. I believe I've shared that my daughter has been called into missions and is headed to South Africa this summer. Thank-you!
I pray you have a very blessed Thankful Thursday!
That was a thought-provoking post. And an awesome tribute to people who share their lives the way Christ shared His to us.
Thanks for remembering those that are doing God's work away from the lime light! Faithfully hearing his call and going! May we all practice that right where we are!
Hey Shari,
I'm so blessed and grateful for those awesome people too. Funny I gave thanks today for a missionary my self!
I love your strength and bringing awareness of the blessing our Heavenly Father still gives out to us; Thank you so so much for bringing a reminder that even today there are still Christian heroes whose names are unknown but whose lifes are a Praise and Glory to God.
This was a great thankful post. Thanks for visiting my blog.
You are on the money with this one. We are often too comfortable and forget about those who really sacrifice privilege and safety just to serve Jesus wholeheartedly. Bless you for the great reminder to pray for them!
Loved your TT post. There were some things I might not have thought of.
Great post! Thank you so much for sharing...we do have allot to be thankful for don't we?
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
What a great thing to be thankful for! We so often forget these Christian heroes of the present - they deserve our prayers and thankfulness!
Amen - there are so many modern day heroes of the faith. People who are putting their faith into action by loving and helping others. What an awesome body we belong to!
Amen! What a wonderful tribute of thankfulness!
Thanks for highlighting this!
Did I ever tell you I served an 18 month mission? I learned spanish and everything. It changed my life as I watched people change their lives and come unto Christ.
Wow I did not know that there was still slavery like that. That was an eye opener.
thank you so much for sharing it.
Thank you for stopping by to read my list as well. I am new to this world of online encouragement and resources. I loved that your list was all about others!
Have a blessed day.
P.S. Do you know how I can get some of the neat graphics for my sight. Like I said, I am new to all of this, but would love more info. Also, how I can change the name of my blog to something more meaningful...
Wow, I am thankful for ministries like these too. Thanks for sharing.
And thanks for visiting my blog today. Fun to meet another sister of the faith.
AMEN! We have things so easy and comfortable here in our world, it is easy to forget those who are sacrificing everything so the gospel message can be heard! Oh, this is a wonderful list, thank you for the reminder!!
Wow... looks like you and Susan were on the same page today. "TT" is such a blessing to post on because no matter what we have going on in our lives... there is ALWAYS SOMETHING to be thankful for. I LOVE that some people give it ALL for JESUS! (Oh, how I wish my heart were "there")
I LOVED your post! It is easy to forget about the sacrifices of others when they aren't within our sight ALL the time!
Thanks for you wonderful comments, Shari!
I thought I had commented here yesterday but I do not see it now. hmmm...
Anyway I wanted to say a gentle goodbye for a while. I also wanted to welcome you to stop over at my place where I'm hosting a giveaway and I hope you'll participate! I'll see you soon! Hugs and may God bless you greatly dear new friend!
Amen! Thrilling, isn't it? Onward Christian Soldiers! May we all press onward and fight the kingdom fight with all our might.
This is an awesome TT post! Have a wonderful week!
Awesome!! Such wonderful reminders to pray for our missionaries all over the world, in various types of ministry.
Thanks for visiting...
Have a great weekend!
I love your blog design!
What an awesome tribute to missionaries! Thank you for reminding us of them. Too often they are forgotten, quietly serving the Lord.
Thanks for all of your great comments. Loved reading them!
The party was fun!!! I used to have a children's birthday party business several years ago and had all the cool pirate stuff in our basement. So, it was easy.
Have a blessed weekend, Shari.
Sisters in Christ,
Amen and Amen!!
Mama Bear
Thanks for visiting me.
Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog, and I was so surprised to see the picture of the young man with the two Sudanese kids cause that is an old friend of mine named Sam! My father is actually the person who took that picture while they were visiting the school our ministry is rebuilding in southern Sudan!
Great post!
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